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Patch Message 1-17-2007

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Joined: 15 Oct 2002
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Location: Ak'Anon

PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 2:10 pm    Post subject: Patch Message 1-17-2007

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January 17th, 2007

*** Items ***

- Corrected an issue that would cause some items that were casting player-usable spells to block the player from casting the same spell from their spell book until the item recast time was complete.
- Removed weight from all augments.
- Dyn`leth's Spy Glass will power up faster than before.
- Blessed Dust of Tunare and Blue Diamond Powder now stack up to 100.
- Scarlet Legion Command Stone will now give the correct stats.
- Pouch of Goldfire Ore Dust is now tradable on Firiona Vie.
- Akihiro in Stillmoon now drops items when killed.
- Keikolin`s Mindhaze Sleeves now have a chromatic damage focus effect instead of a magic damage focus effect.
- Goru's Girdle of the Deceased now has Improved Parry IV instead of Improved Parry III.
- Increased the damage on Fleshmelter, Lethar's Maul.
- Ice-Striated Iron Orb should now function properly.
- Corrected an issue that would cause backstab damage to be calculated incorrectly if the weapons base damage was too high.

*** Tribute ***

- Higher ranks of tribute and guild tribute are now available.

*** Tradeskills ***

- Changed lightningbane’s recipe to use the correct thickener.
- Many of the tradeskill items introduced in The Serpent Spine expansion should now show up as "combinable" in the bazaar.

*** Quests

- Several of the quests in Ashengate will no longer be blocked by rare spawns.
- Large events in Frostcrypt and Ashengate now yield more tier III spell runes.
- Lorekeeper Fenegar will no longer be giving people diseased fish as a bonus reward for finding lost ancient documents for him. He realized that adventurers don’t really like diseased fish as much as he thought they would. This was an extra reward given out in error. The real reward will still be given out.

*** NPCs ***

- An additional artifact has been found in Direwind that Librarian Hemfar may be interested in.

- The EverQuest Team
Xatie the SuperGnome

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Joined: 04 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 8:53 pm    Post subject:

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From a dev (Prathun) on the SOE forum:

Most of these changes are already on Live (sans the Rank III turn-in). Please let me know if you have any questions!

A vendor named The Quiet Wanderer has moved into Sunderock Springs. He offers spells and abilities of the calming persuasion, including several which were not previously available: Song: Whispersong of Veshma, Spell: Drifting Fog Very Happy , Spell: Dulcify, Spell: Nature’s Placidity, Spell: Quiet Mind, and Tome of Phantom Silhouette.

Based on feedback from the Druid community, Wildskin and Blessing of the Wild have been replaced on a one-for-one basis with Blistering Sunray and Sunscorch. The old spells will be replaced with the new ones.

Based on feedback from the Cleric community, Rectitude and Cure Corruption have been replaced with Blessing of Purpose and Ward of the Dauntless. Rectitude was swapped on a one-for-one basis with Blessing of Purpose. However, because Cure Corruption is used by multiple classes the spell could not be swapped directly with Ward of the Dauntless, so clerics can simply no longer use the Cure Corruption spell. Turning in a Rank III spell rune while you have Cure Corruption Rank III scribed will result in a copy of Ward of the Dauntless Rank III and a return of the spell rune. Aside from that, Cure Corruption can be deleted from the spell book.

The statistics on the items created by Summon Aenda’s Trinkets have been improved.

The number of “procs” that Steeltrap Jaws can fire before fading have been doubled.

Skin to Vines will now work on a wider variety of NPC targets.


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Joined: 17 May 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 9:30 am    Post subject:

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Based on feedback from the Druid community, Wildskin and Blessing of the Wild have been replaced on a one-for-one basis with Blistering Sunray and Sunscorch. The old spells will be replaced with the new ones.

Interesting that they were willing to switch this. The Blistering Sunray is a huge upgrade over the previous fire dot/fire resist modifier spell. It is much more helpful then Wildskin.

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