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For Zahasha! (Question about our cat)

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Pedi Dustyboots

Joined: 24 Sep 2001
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 2:48 am    Post subject: For Zahasha! (Question about our cat)

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Hi, guys, sorry for dropping in like this, but we're having a "wtf" moment with one of our cats and Whizbang suggested that I drop by and ask Zahasha for her opinion. If you don't want to know the details of cat health, don't read any further! :p

One of our yard cats, Penny, has thick clear "goo" that is dripping down from her rectum and it's significant enough that she drips all over my desk or smears my t-shirt with the stuff. It'll pool up if she sleeps in one spot for too long, of course. Unfortunately she cleans up herself pretty well and when I had taken her to vet today, there was no display of this goo upon inspection and the vet was left scratching his head over what was going on. He asked me specifically three times if she had been spayed. (Yes, she has. By a different vet.) I left with no answers and wasn't charged for the visit either. He offered to run tests, but that looked like it could get expensive superfast. (She actually belongs to my mom, who is out of town for the weekend. I decided to wait and ask her for permission when she gets back.) We only discovered this goo today. It was definitely not happening two days ago and I didn't see her yesterday at work.

She seems healthy. Whizbang thinks she's underweight for a siamese cat. She does not seem to be in pain and she is eating normally. Since she's an outdoor cat, I can't vouch for any bathroom issues she is/is not having. (We also have a second cat at the yard so I still wouldn't know which excrement belonged to which in the litter box.) It's just this unexplainable goo that is throwing us off. I've never seen a female cat in heat before so I'm left wondering if it's slightly possible that the vet botched the surgery and actually didn't spay her?

Many thanks for reading this.


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PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 5:43 am    Post subject:

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Woot hiya Pedi! I apologize for not being Zah but have had cats and many other pets all my life and hope I can help!
You mentioned the cat is in heat do you know how old it is?
An outdoor cat you say? Well it could get into a myriad of potential OMFG shit that the cat would otherwise render as 'no biggee' lol: other poop(although uber rare for a cat), anti-freeze, fertilizer, anything leaking from a car, etc.
Was her diet changed? Has her diet been altered or disrupted recently?
You stated that you noticed the 'goo' but were certain it did not exist only a couple of days ago. Are the same symptoms recurring?
I'm guessing (hopefully) kitty tried to bravely digest something that was too delicate for her own constitution resulting in that clear goo for a day or two? If you've only noticed recently it's highly likely it got into something it shouldn't have and will be ok in a few days Cool))
Have you asked Mother about these symptoms? Perhaps she has insight on what you've described?
I could ramble far too long for anyone not concerned so I apologize and digress but if you have any questions please feel free to ask me here or pm me on the forum; I'm sure Zah will see this by morning )
Peace Cool
Adalric Brandl - Gimp of Innoruuk

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 1:12 pm    Post subject:

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Hi Pedi and Whizbang,

This sounds like a digestive problem. Female cats discharge vaginally not from rectum when in heat.
Being an outdoor cat I would assume she is up on her worming. If she has not, please fully worm her and see if that takes care of problem.
I would also start to give her a couple of tablespoons of yogurt daily just in case it is an unbalance with her stomach from eating something unknown.
Hopefully you will have cured the discharge by now as this next step is just soooo much fun to administer ... NOT! Shocked
Next step is a kitty enema just in case she got upset or emotional over something and got dry fecal balls stuck in her rectum, this will cause a mucus discharge to help move them through. Call your Vet about what enema to use, there is a specific one that can be used on cats from the supermarket. Another type of enema can make a kitty very very sick. Also, ask your vet how often to do administer it. Be sure to wrap the kitty tightly in a towel binding all four legs as they deffinitely do NOT like enemas! Lock her in a room and check the fecal that comes out .. be sure this is a room that can get cleaned up easy like a Laundry room or bathroom with out a carpet. Even a large doggie kennel can work . You will also get a fecal sample for your vet this way of none of the above suggestions helps.

Hopefully one of these will take care of your sweet kitties problems <3
Please let me know how shes doing.

Sending You Smiles

~* *~

"It is good to have an end to journey towards:
but it is the journey that matters in the end." ~Ursula K Le Guin

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