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Visit to Faydwer

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Joined: 24 Jan 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 1:00 am    Post subject: Visit to Faydwer

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After scaring Riverdane with a tell saying how much I like his story, he (and Whiz) convinced me to post this. Enjoy!


Krog snarled to himself quietly. He had always hated guard duty; nothing to do but watch the forest drakes swoop past and menace the occasional elfie thing that got to close. Nothing to do but wait and go through what in Krog could be considered thinking. So boring, must not fall asleep, then Krog would get bashed by the Captain, yes, must….not…fall….

“So, are you the door guard, or should I just let myself in?” Krog jumped awake, startled by the voice. In front of him stood a tall figure dressed in dark forest green. His hood shadowed his face, and his hand grasped a long wooden stick. Krog snarled.

“Nasty tall human! Fall before the might of Crushbone!” The orc yelled, raising his club. To his surprise, the figure just chuckled and glowed suddenly blue. Krog felt his feet go numb as his body froze to the ground. His central nervous system at last got the hint, and he blacked out.

Atelen moved past him and into the tunnel leading to the barricaded glade that the Crushbone Clan called home. The clashing of steel on steel met his ears as he exited the other end of the tunnel, and he emerged right into the middle of a chaotic frenzy. A group of young travelers, mainly wood elves but Atelen recognized the high stature of a Koada’Dal and as if by contrast the balding head of a gnome. They were battling fiercely against the hulking brutes Emperor Crush employed as legionnaires, but were losing ground. Atelen’s shielding spell shimmered as a miss-aimed Frost Bolt slammed into it. Concentrating, he felt the rush of mana through his viens as he wove a complicated gesture. With a deafening crack the sky opened up, pelting hail and ice down on the orcs closest to the group of fighters. “Looked like you could use a little help,” he said, striding forward. The young group stared at him in shock, while the orcs blinked and tried to take in this new turn of events. “I was on my way to speak with D’vinn, and thought I’d lend a ice storm or two. Atelen, by the way.” One of the young travelers screamed as though she’d been stabbed. “Well, I didn’t quite expect that,” Atelen said, frowning.

“No, behind you!”

“Oh, I get it.” Atelen twirled and spun his staff right into the face of the orc that was about to hit him, sending it realing. He sighed and waved a hand, sending rippling lightning bolts into the mass of slavers. Why couldn't they ever make this easy? He had visited the place often enough, you'd think they would know that the glowing aura around him didn't mean "Come bash the shiney thing!"

He turned back to the group. “Anyway, I really must be going. Do tell Tearis that Celeb’nar sends his greetings, will you? He strode away, leaving the group silent behind him.

Striding up the steps to the castle, he sent a guard over the edge of the drawbridge into the moat and flung open the doors. Grunts, growls, and other rude orcish noises stopped abruptly as he made his way into the throne room, although the shimmering gleam of magic kept the guards back. Hey, at least these are smarter… Atelen stopped before the throne, on which lounged the portly “Emperor” Crush. He started to get to his feet, but Atelen waved him down, his silver eyes making even the leader of the orcs quail.

“D’vinn! I know you’re back there, so come out where I can see whether or not you’re going to put a dagger in my back.” A shadow detached itself from behind the throne and moved forward, resolving into a Tier’Dal wearing tarnished silver mail.

“Yes, Silver Flame? It’s not often you visit these parts, although I remember seeing you with one of those blasted elvish raiding parties many times a few years past.”

“Yes, and I also recall beating up on your lackeys quite often and then laughing over it over a bottle of good kalish back in Kelethin.” Crush growled and started to rise, but the aura around Atelen brightened and flames danced on the end of his staff. “Anyway, I’m certainly not here for the sights,” he glanced at the dusty room. “I need some Tier’Dal steel for my research, and since I was in the area I thought I’d ask.”

“Oh? And you just…assumed I’d give you my dagger?”

“Actually, yes, yes I did. Otherwise I might need to help you redecorate a bit.” With these words he waved a hand and the curtains leapt up in flame, and snow began to swirl around the throne, giving Crush a worried look.

“Do as he asks, D’Vinn; I’d rather not have to air out the stench of burned flesh yet again.” D’Vinn grimaced, but reaching down, withdrew a dagger and tossed it across the room. Atelen caught it by the handle and in a flash it disappeared into his robe. Grinning, he wove threads of mana into the air, and a glowing portal opened next to him. He took one step through. “Thanks D’Vinn, this will be most helpful. Oh, and here, nearly forgot. In the spirit of gift-giving.” Atelen pulled a bottle from his pack and tossed it to D’Vinn, who caught it by reflex as Atelen disappeared. With a growl, he smashed the bottle against the wall and watched the kalish splash and drip down the stone.

~ ~ ~

Walking through the busy underground avenues of Ak’Anon, Atelen nodded to gnomes he knew as he passed, offering a good day to several of his friends in the Eldritch Collective. Passing by the roaring waterfall, he grimaced at its glowing green color before moving on, past the stalls and shops of the city. Climbing a winding path up the cavern wall, he reached the Library Mechanimagica. Ducking to enter, he stopped in order to let a tiny robed figure whose arms were filled with scrolls get by. “Morning to you, Farantha, is Whizbang about?”

“Oye, g’mornin to ya, Atelen. He should be, eitha in his study o' the workshop. I tink I 'eard an explosion earlier, so probably the workshop. Now, I must get these scrolls over to the guild 'ouse.” She hurried out, leaving Atelen to walk straight into the wall.

Amazingly, he passed straight through it, and wound up in a room stacked floor to ceiling with bookshelves. Odds and ends and curiosities littered every surface; Atelen saw unused fireworks and a velium orb floating nearby, and strange skulls arranged on the top of one of the shorter shelves. Two glowing eyes grew into existance from the darker corners of the interior, and a small familiar swooped out of the gloom to land on his shoulder.

“Hello there Sparkplug, where’s Whizbang got to?” Atelen said, stroking the wings of the dragon. Just as a picture of a bright light formed in his mind, an explosion rocked the walls, coming from the door at the other end of the study. Laughing, Atelen moved around the desk, Sparkplug swooping in front of him, and stuck his head into the workshop. “Having a bit of trouble, Whiz?” he said into the cloud of smoke. He was answered by a coughing and spluttering, and a slightly singed gnome emerged from the cloud.

“Not at all, not at all Atelen,” Whizbang replied, grabbing a cloth and wiping the soot off his forehead. “Just a short in the primary phase conductors, and then the mana battery went haywire, and, well, you know these Rebreathers.” He grimaced and jumped up on a stool to be a bit closer to eye level. “So, what brings you here? In the neighborhood, I suppose, and just wanted to stop by?”

“That’s the short of it, I guess,” chuckled Atelen, setting his pack on the floor and taking a seat. “Stopped by Crushbone on my way over, since you mentioned you needed that steel.” He took the dagger from his cloak and tossed it to Whizbang, who caught it deftly and pocketed it. “Had a talk with D’Vinn as well, although he didn’t seem at all inclined to exchange pleasantaries. So, what are you up to? There must be something; you’re not one to be sitting around your office for long periods of time.”

“Of course not, of course not, no…” mused Whizbang thoughtfully. “Actually, I meant to send you a message, some friends and I were planning on heading over to Velious; the King needs word from the outpost near Iceclad, and we thought we’d have some fun with the giants while we were there, stop by Thurg and have a pint or two. You want to join us?”

“Suits me, not like I have anything better to do, what with my place in a shambles until the construction is finished. Meet you by the spires sometime around noon tomorrow then?”

“That’d be fine, fine. Now here,” Whizbang tossed him a small metal cube, “that ought to keep you busy. Collapsible spit, go make some brownies or something. If you can open it, that is.” He grinned mischievously and disappeared back into his workshop. Atelen sighed good naturedly and fiddled with the cube a moment, testing to see if Whiz had forgotten to install a magic nullifier (which he hadn’t), before picking up his pack and wandering out the door, still puzzling over the cube.

"Pretty. What do we blow up first?"

Over sea, Under Stone
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Joined: 24 Jan 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2003 10:00 pm    Post subject: Re: Visit to Faydwer

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A forest drake glided silently between the massive pillars of stone, giving the quadralith only a passing glance. It was more interested in the wasps the flitted through the trunks of the silent wood; it had been nearly two hours since it last ate. Spotting one wasp not paying much attention, it tucked its wings in and swooped towards it, claws forward.


The confused drake fell to the forest floor in a heap after knocking into something that it couldn’t see. The invisible thing, whatever it was, yelled and muttered a string of curses as an imprint of a bipedal life-form was made in the grass by the side of the path. The air shimmered, and the drake, its tiny brain overloaded, screeched and fled off into the Faydark.

“Flames, stupid drake,” muttered Atelen as he picked himself up and retrieved his staff from where it had fallen. “Flaming stupid bag of wings. No, not you Zeph, the thing.” He pointed at the retreating form of the pseudo-dragon. A annoyed chirp echoed from the branch above him, and his familiar popped into view.

“I didn’t like it any more than you did, you know,” Atelen complained to her as he rubbed a spot where a root had poked him hard. Sudden laughter from the base of the quadraliths made him turn and stroll up to join the group. “Morning, Walkers!” he called out cordially as he approached.

“Howdy!” called out Whizbang, moving out from behind one of the group where he had been sitting, “glad you could make it!” He paused and turned to the group. “Walkers, this is Atelen, a friend of mine.”

“More like annoying apprentice,” mused Atelen, grinning, “but go on. I know a few faces here, but not all of them.” He nodded to a paladin clad in silver and bronze. Whizbang chuckled.

“Yes, I believe you and Alermik have met. The enchanter over there is Skeetus…”

“Hold up, Whiz, an enchanter?” Atelen viewed the scaled head and whipping tail of an Iksar. “Oh, wait, right.” Atelen rolled his eyes as Skeetus shimmered slightly before the illusion re-stabilized and waved a greeting.

“The 8 foot tall walking meatshield would be Slammerp, and the ranger next to him would be Mildane.” The two nodded respectfully.

“Pleasure to meet you,” Mildane added, shaking Atelen’s hand. “Always glad to have another member join the KD group.”

“KD group?” Atelen questioned, raising an eyebrow.

“Kill and Drink group,” came a voice from behind Slammerp, and a gnome female strode into view. “Coarse, but accurate enough, although you never know which side of it to put more emphasis on.” Atelen grinned as he knelt to greet the newcomer.

“Pedi, if I don’t miss my guess. Along to keep Whiz in line?” Whizbang grumbled good naturedly and the rest of the group chuckled.

“You never know with him around giants and drink, you don’t,” Pedi said, smiling. “Glad to meet you, Atelen.”

“Alright everyone, get together now, we’re heading out!” Whizbang called, stepping to the front. Atelen moved in beside Alermik as the group moved to surround the chanting gnome who was already beginning to glow.

“Morning, Alermik, how’s the hunting recently?”

“Not so bad, a bunch of us have been poking about over in Gunthak, but we ran into a bunch of troll mystics and had to evac.”

“And here I was under the impression that casters ‘couldn’t tank as well as a paper ba-

~ ~ ~

Atelen sat munching a bear sandwich atop the snowy hill; mind half on the scene around him and half deep in the ether replenishing his reserve of energy. Wind whipped along the hill tops of the Great Divide, which separated the east and west halves of the icy continent of Velious, and frozen tree branches, brittle in the piercing cold, lent it an eerie whistling sound. The Walkers sat at various distances from him, Whizbang and Pedi chatting about guild news, from what Atelen could catch, and Slammerp cleaning and oiling the blade of his sword. A pile of ash gently wafted away on the breeze, all that was left of the giants they had battled after he and Whizbang had reduced their corpses to cinders. The cries of a wurm echoed in the distance, but Atelen didn’t know how to translate their tongue, and Whizbang was busy, so he didn’t bother to ask what they were saying.

“Sometimes I’m damn envious of you casters,” grumbled Alermik, settling into the snow next to Atelen and dropping a bag beside him, “At least you don’t have to wear armor in this weather.”

“You think this stuff offers wind protection?” queried the wizard. With a few deft finger movements and a word, glowing orange flames leapt out to lick at the edges of the paladin’s armor. Alermik sighed visibly.

“So there is a use for O’Keil’s Radiation.” The two laughed goodnaturedly as Mildane topped a rise, running full out for the little group.

“Heads up, we’ve got company. Ran into a giant patrol; gave them the slip, but they’ve got wolves with them, so be on the ready.” Whizbang and Pedi broke off their conversation as the group rose to their feet and 6 pairs of eyes tried to pierce the veil of soft flakes that had started to fall. Atelen focused inward, drawing forth a think thread of mana and deftly weaving it over his eyes. The gloom took on a brilliant bluish glow, and the giant that loomed out of the haze almost glowed as its axe came down to chop him in two.

“Flaming halfling shi-”grunted Atelen as he threw a hastily cast shield over himself and tried to dodge the blow. Runes shimmered brightly as the blade made contact with the barrier, but it held long enough for him to spin out of the axe’s reach. He raised a hand and a wave of force rippled across the snow, stopping the giant in its tracks just before a calming purple glow surrounded it and its eyes glazed over. Turning away to leave the giant in the land of infinite mead and what passed in the giant race as women, Atelen found Slammerp locked in full combat with the remaining member of the patrol. Mildane was drawing an arrow from the throat of the direwolf, which was already freezing solid, while Whizbang chanted steadily, shards of ice flickering into existence and lazily looping around his head. Without looking Atelen could hear the approach of the comet, and decided to try an experiment. The calm of spellcasting took hold of him as mana flooded his conciousness, and he drank deep the pure essence of the universe, felt illuminated by the energy. Focusing his will, he let the energy loose, rending the atoms of the air and shifting electrons, building up an imbalance in the electric fields. It built along with the rush of the approaching meteor, and suddenly their faces were lit as the searing flash exploded. The lightning arced upward and downward at once, for a split second connecting comet and giant, but that instant was enough. The blazing conduit of energy sucked the essence from the comet, liquefied it and poured it into the veins of the Kromrif below. Which promptly shattered.

Atelen sat down heavily in the snow as the warrior and ranger swiftly dispatched the last giant, and Pedi and Alermik healed what wounds the group had suffered. As his breathing slowed Atelen sank deep into trance, replenishing his well of energy. “Alright group, take a break,” called Whizbang, stumping over to where Atelen knelt. “That was quite an electric display.”

Atelen flashed a grin between breaths. “I was toying with the Class 6 battery you lent me, and got to thinking about how electricity can form a conduit of sorts, so why couldn’t it be used to channel something else?” He took a last deep breath. “Can’t recommend it as an efficient use of mana, but it seemed to work well enough.”

Whizbang moved off and Alermik took his place, along with Slammerp. “That was certainly an electrifying experience,” commented Alermik, and the ogre nodded.

“What’s this, the grudging respect of the melees?” jibed Atelen.

“No,” Slammerp said casually and lifted a charred wooden stick, “I just wanted you to know I expect you to buy me a new haft to my spear.”

Over sea, Under Stone
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PostPosted: Sun May 25, 2003 8:00 pm    Post subject: Re: Visit to Faydwer

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"Here you are Kasan," said Atelen, handing the bag of coins over the counter to the Coldain dwarf. "Thanks for completing the order so quickly."

"No trouble, no trouble at all young Silverflame," chuckled the dwarf, handing Atelen the spear shaft. "Oh, and tell old Fogor that I need to talk to him about the axe shipment, will you?"

"Certainly," replied Atelen, and departed the store. Pausing a moment outside, his eyes flickered and he floated up into the air. "O'Keil finally pens a good spell," he chuckled lightly as he ran off along the busy avenues of Thurgadin above the heads of the residents below. He jogged down a narrow lane and landed softly before ducking into the Maiden's Beard. Smoke from a dozens of pipes made him think he had somehow walked into the Temple, and the noise was deafening; glasses clanking, voices shouting and swearing, and chairs scraping across the stained oaken floor. Weaving between tables, Atelen made his way to where the Walkers were sitting.

"Oops, look out!" Without thinking Atelen brought the spear shaft up, knocking the dart into the ceiling where it stuck, quivering. The bar laughed good naturedly at the abashed halfling near the dartboard with one eye staring at the dart, the other apparently lost in thought.

"This is why I don't frequent bars," muttered Atelen as he slid in next to Alermik. "Here you are Slammerp."

"Many thanks," replied the ogre, sipping beer from one hand while taking the shaft in the other. "That was speedy-" Abuptly an axe sliced through the air, leaving the wizard and warrior holding the two halves of the shaft.

"There's another reason," sighed Atelen. "Just not my day for avoiding flying projectiles. Hello Womp."

A ranger stepped forward, clad in dark forest green and black. A sneer flickered across his lips. "Atelen Candlestick, fancy meeting you here. Then again, it is one of the more...common bars."

"What are you doing in it then?"

"Oh, I have a client, but couldn't pass up a quick chit-chat. Who are your friends, Candlestick? Some 2 copper guild stuck in Kunark, I bet." Atelen thought he could feel the heat as the Walkers eyes focused on the ranger, and heard Whizbang cough slightly into his mug. He grimaced slightly.

"Atelen," mused Slammerp behind him, "I do think this new shaft needs testing out." Wompyre's biting remark was cut short as the half-shaft caught him full in the temple, knocking him unconcious.

"One blow. Tsk, no wonder there's so many ranger corpses on raids." Atelen noticed a glint in the fallen ranger's pocket and bent down. It was some sort of crystal, with unreadable markings incised up and down two sides of it. "Hello, what's this? Whizbang, take a look at this.." He motioned for two guards to deal with the ranger and turned back to the table.
Over sea, Under Stone
<Walkers> VS. Grieg - Photo Gallery

Last edited by Atelen on Mon Jul 21, 2003 3:50 pm; edited 2 times in total

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 4:57 am    Post subject:

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"It's just a fiver, keep it if you like." replied Whizbang, taking a sip from his mug.

"Ah, right," said Atelen, slipping it into an inner pocket and grinning slightly at the rest of the Alermik's confused look. "But why's a ranger carrying a mana battery? Even a two-bit street rat like him can't make much profit from them."

"Trying to tinker up something, I'd imagine."

Atelen blinked and covered his eyes with one hand "Ouch!"


"Sorry, but that's an image I don't want. Want to buy a mem blur for the past three seconds..."

It was a few hours later, and Atelen was running full tilt at a mountain face.

"And....down" A brief gesture sent him plummetting towards the ground, only to stop a few inches short. The giant,that had been following him only had time for a startled "Wha?" before slamming into the rock wall. Before it could come to its senses, thick vines surged from the cliff and ground beneath it, binding it fast. Meanwhile, Atelen reached into a pocket and pulled out a battered spellbook. "Immune to stun, sure," he grinned up at the giant. "pity you're not immune to physics. Or fire, for that matter." Murmuring the spell, his hands flashed forward towards the giant, who cringed. After a couple of seconds, it looked up to see confusion and fear slide across the wizard's face. "What the blazes? Not now Zeph, something's gone wro-"

With a hiss, the vines disappeared back into the ground and the giant charged, roaring. It's first blow shattered the protective barrier around Atelen.

"Right," said Atelen, "Strategy Two. Run like a coward."

Last edited by Atelen on Mon Jul 21, 2003 3:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 3:36 pm    Post subject:

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"Look, Ate, everyone fizzles a spell sometimes. Just a spot of bad luck." Alermik sat back in the chair. Around them shadows flickered warmly off the paneled walls as the fire crackled merrily. Atelen had always found the Walker's sitting room relaxing, but at the moment it could do nothing to ease his aggitation.

"Alermik, I'm telling you, this was no fizzle." Atelen leaned forward. "With a fizzle you just feel the energy leak away into the air and dissapte. This was more like it hit a wall and bounced back. And no, the giant didn't do anything, before you say that, not that it could do something like that." He shuddered slightly. "It felt like my head was going to explode."

Alermik sat thoughtfully for a moment. "Any idea what caused it then?"

"Not a clue. Wasn't having any trouble when we were blasting earlier, and I didn't do anything since then except share a few drinks in Thurg." Atelen paused at his friend's chuckle.

"Did you see the look on that poor ranger's face when Slam conked him? Priceless. What? What's wrong?" He had never seen his friend look so startled before.

"The gem, I forgot about it completely!" He reached into his robes and drew it out. In the dim room it glowed faintly, a pulsing blue that seemed somehow ominous. Atelen examined it carefully, while Alermik waited. After a few minutes the wizard sighed and placed it on the table between them. "Just looks like an ordinary battery to me, although I haven't used them much." He sat back, exhausted from his flight across Eastern Wastes and the Divide to reach the Knowledge portal. "I could use some coffee. Zeph!" He whistled, "Zeph, bring my pack in here would you?" An annoyed warble echoed from the rafters overhead and the familiar swooped out the door towards the entrance hall. Atelen grinned.

"At least she has more personality than a mage pet," he said warmly, "although that has its drawbacks. Bit like being married."

"Speaking of which, any news in the relationship department?" asked Alermik. "What about what's-her-name, from Timorous?" Atelen snorted.

"She was already engaged, Alermik! And no, been traveling too much lately to think about it."

"You know, someone might think all your exploring was to deliberately avoid it," chided Alermik. Atelen was about to say something scathing when his pack dropped on his head. "Ouch!" Zephyr hooted and landed on the table, her wings folded and eyes gleaming. "Was that really necessary?" The familiar warbled innocently and swished her tail, which brushed against the gem.

With a shrieking scream of pain, Zephyr flickered and disappeared. The gem glowed brighter.

"Maybe I'm wrong," said Alermik, "but I don't think mana batteries should do that." Atelen gulped.

"C'mon, we're going to see Whiz about this." He gestured to open a portal, then staggered suddenly, holding his head and grimacing. Alermik dashed over and supported him until he could stand weakly. "Right, let's go, the Knowledge stone is nearby." He grabbed Atelen's pack, and the two left.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2003 2:39 am    Post subject:

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A light rain was falling in the Steamfont Mountains. It shimmered around the edges of things, and cast a silvery light over the countryside. The great windmills stood silent and brooding under the overcast sky while merchants and the clockwork companions trudged in both directions along the road to Ak'Anon. Atelen and Alermik shimmered into view on the crest of a hill overlooking the great city gate and hurried downslope through the small shop district that has sprung up outside. Atelen brooded silently as they entered the tunnel that led to the city proper.

Starting, Alermik nearly stepped on a small rodent-like familiar as they made their way through the crowded tunnels. As they neared the market district, the sea of small bodies became nearly impassable.

"Must be a sale going on," grunted Alermik

"I believe I heard about some sort of tinkering competition toda-" Atelen was cut off as an explosion echoed through the cavern, causing bits of stone to rain down quickly followed by a faint blue light from somewhere within the crush. Alermik and Atelen both winced.

"Well, can't we just levitate and... oh, right." Alermik quieted at Atelen's look. "Okay, I think it's thinner this way."

Eventually the two made it to the other side of the cavern and glimbed the path to the library. The smell of parchment, metal, and gunpowder as they entered Whizbang's office was enough to briefly lift Atelen's spirits.

"Atelen! Alermik! Superb timing, great to see you two, especially you, Atelen." Whizbang appeared from behind a bookshelf and strode towards them.

"Would have thought you'd be down there in the crush, Whiz," said Alermik good naturedly. "Not like you to miss something like that."

"Oh, you know, not much time for it with what I've got brewing in the back, delicate timings and all, need to keep an eye on it. Anyway, I have some splendid news; I-"

"Whizbang..." interjected Atelen quietly.

"thought I should be the first to tell you..."

"Whiz, listen-"

"Don't interrupt me, now, like I was saying..."

"But Whizbang..."

"I said don't interrupt me!" Whizbang huffed. "Really now, completely uncalled for." He jumped up on a stool and handed Atelen a piece of parchment. "Now, as I was [i[trying[/i] to say, it is my great honor to tell you that the Walkers council has decided to accept your application for membership. Congratulations, Atelen!" He beamed.

Atelen glanced down at the paper, seeing the signatures of the officers below the statement of addmission. Some he knew, and was good friends with, others he recognized only from talking to those he knew. Part of the team now.

Atelen crumpled the paper and handed it back to Whizbang. "As a member of Walkers, I hereby remove myself as unfit for membership." Whizbang stared at him open mouthed.

"What are you talking about? You're a good friend and a great wizard..."

Atelen held up a hand to stop him and sighed heavily. "What good is a wizard who can't do magic? No, I'm not fit for membership." If anything, the look of confusion on Whizbang's face deepened.

"What in seven hells are you talking about, Atelen?"

"We were hoping you might be able to help us with that question."

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2003 2:06 am    Post subject:

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"Ok, so it's not a mana battery." Whizbang stared at the gem through a microscope, using a pair of tinkered metal gloves to handle the gem, and even then keeping it at a distance. Atelen and Alermik stood nearby, glancing nervously at various smoking or sputtering projects residing on shelves and tables. Sparkplug swooped silently in and landed on Alermik, making him jump. He coughed slightly.

"Well, yes, we already knew that. Mana batteries don't have an appetite for familiars." Sparkplug glanced nervously and found a more secluded perch. "What exactly is it then?" Whizbang grumbled and stepped away from the viewing lens.

"Damned if I know. Whatever those markings are, they're not a language on Luclin or Norrath, at least that I know of." Atelen, knowing Whizbang's formidable language aresenal, was inclined to agree. "I cannot glean anything else from the gem itself, but from its effects on Atelen, I think it's safe to say it somehow blocks or distorts magical fields. The fact that it did not affect all of us at the table, or the ranger who was carrying it, makes me suspect it works only by physical contact with a person or creature."

"That might also explain why it severed Zephyr's physical existence when her tail touched it." said Atelen slowly. "But what exactly does it do? And how can I reverse it?"

"That, I can't tell you yet." sighed Whizbang. He moved around the room turning on laterns as dusk fell outside. "but the Library Mechanimga houses some of the best resources on geomancy and gem spells in the world. We'll find the answers to those questions, mark me now." He laid a hand on Atelen's knee. "Or you could become a monk..." He laughed at Atelen's grimace. :Only joking, boy, only joking. Ah, come in, come in." A clockwork stood at the door with a pile of books in its hands. It strode forward and deposited them on one of the less cluttered tables before turning to go. "Alermik, see if you can find anything in these," Whizbang motioned him forward, "while I work with Atel. Now, Atelen, you said when you try to cast something it bounces back?"

"It feels like some sort of wall, in my head, that I can't push through. Like the barrier you get sometimes when it's too noisy to meditate, only a hundred times over, and the pain. It hurts when I cast the littlest spell, even my old spells that Father taught me."

"The wall I don't understand, but the pain sounds very much like you're taking too much energy into you that's not being used." He frowned. "But no wizard does that once he passes his lessons in his city guild. Have you tried meditating?"

"No, I haven't. Let's see." Atelen pushed aside a rolling cart of tools and relaxed deep into trance, letting his mind spread out into the ether and collect its essence back into his body, as he had so many times before. Only now, as he focused inward, something huge moved in that empty glowing darkness. He felt the ether part and flow, like a vast current, felt his mind sucked away on that vast moving tide. He struggled, fighting the pull, straining to return to his body in the workroom, in Whizbang's office, in the Library Mechanimaga - his sliding slowed - in the city of Ak'Anon, in the Steamfont mountains, - he was turning around! - on Faydwer... He stumbled, and was suddenly back behind his eyes, looking up at a concerned, bald gnomish face. He noticed that he as sweating, and hadn't remembered falling over.

Alermik caught him by his shoulders and supported him as he got to his feet. "I found something, but I can't translate it." He set Atelen down on a stool and pointed out the passage to Whizbang.

"An old Combine parchment." he nodded, reading it slowly. "dated well before the Empire fell." He tapped the signature twice and disappeared through a doorway. When he returned, he was slipping on a traveling cloak.

"You found something?" croaked Atelen weakly, still exhausted from his mental struggle.

"Maybe I found someone. Grab you packs, you too, we're heading for Katta."

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2003 4:29 pm    Post subject:

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"Geh ma <glub!> ouwa his..!"

Alermik and Atelen shook themself off and turned towards the spluttering in time to see Whizbang extricating himself from the side of a water elemental. Both collapsed into laughter at the dripping, scowling gnome.

"The hazards of teleporting, eh Whiz?" chuckled Atelen at the grumbling gnome. "Or the hazards of being short?"

"I'm not short!" groused Whizbang, wringing out his robe. "The rest of you are just freakishly tall. Now hurry up and levitate and let's get going."

Three batwings later and they were running lightly across the surface of the Twilight Sea. Atelen saw a castle loom up to the north, perched on a small island like a giant animal caught be the rising waves. Strange shadows moved through the underbrush; Luclin had a bad habit of producing confusing combinations of lethalness.

"How far is it to Katta? I didn't exactly pack light." huffed Alermik as they ran on under Norrath-rise. Passing low over the treetops of one of the islands. Atelen thought he saw a glint of silver down below. Suddenly, an arrow flashed skyward and snagged the hem of his robe.

"What in flames?" yelled Atelen. "Stop, hold up, something's down there." Warily they descended to the canopy. "Who goes there?" shouted Atelen, "and what do you mean by shooting at us?"

"Get your attention, what do you think?" came a voice from below. "Now get down here and lev me."

"Oh gods, it's River." Alermik and Atelen said at once, and laughed. "Coming!" The group dropped to the ground to find tall, dark haired shadowknight leaning against the trunk of a tree, the carcass of some strange creature at his feet halfway through the process of getting skinned. River ground the stub of a cigarette into the ground and greeted them enthusiastically. "Evening, Whiz, where are you three off to?"

"Heading to Katta to ask some questions," replied Whizbang. "Atelen here's in a bit of trouble, but I have a friend who might be able to help. You heading the same way?"

"Nah, off to Fungus Grove, but my Spirit of Eagle faded at a rather vexing time. Tree branches don't make the best landing pad." He caught himself as his body started floating. "But this should do the trick. Hope you get things sorted out!" With that he disappeared off into the bushes.

"We're nearly there, let's get going," Atelen said, and the three took off again. Soon the horizon began to grow skyward, and a gargantuan wall bloacked off their line of sight in both directions. Hemmed in by the vampires of the Tenebrous Mountains and other dangerous moon dwellers, the people of Katta had sunk an enormous effort into the protection of their city. A thin, winding, easily defendable stairway snaked upwards to a tiny door set high in the wall above. "They really need to look into some teleport stones." mumbled Atelen as they began the long climb.

Eventually they arrived at the top, greated the guards cordially and continued their trek through long tunnels to finally arrive in the main square of the city proper. "Leave it to gnomes to design something like that." puffed Alermik. "Now where?"

"Up again!" said Whizbang cheerfully, motioning towards a ramp that led up a rockface into gloom. The two groaned and followed the gnome higher into the city.

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Joined: 24 Jan 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 9:51 pm    Post subject:

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Katta Castellum, the last stronghold of the Loyalists to the Combine and Tsaph Katta, rose out of the shield wall of the Tenebrous Mountains overlooking the Twilight Sea. Rivalled only by the might of Seru and the gods themselves, the fortress city was built on a massive scale to hold off any and all attack. Even with the recent infilltrations of Coterie spys, it was an awesome achievement. It was also very, very dark.

"Ouch!" grumbled Atelen, rubbing an elbow where it had hit the stone frame of a doorway. "A high elf wearing a gossamer robe could be standing next to me and I'd miss them." He grimaced and corrected his path. He murmured a thank you to Whizbang as violet lights danced before his eyes, and the gnome replied with a nod, out of breath from the long climb.

"Now, right through this lane, almost to the palace," encouraged Whizbang as he led them into a dark alley. "I just hope that Zyleea isn't out on business, or we may be waiting awhile." More cursing as Atelen stumbled over a bundle of clothing answered him. In the distance the piercing keen of a sonic wolf announced someone entering the gonvernment mansion.

"Who exactly is this friend of yours, Whiz?" asked Atelen as they moved more slowly down the lane. "How are they going to be able to help?"

"Zyleea's one of the gnomes who helped design Katta, and she's one of the best masons anywhere, as well as being a fantastic enchanter. The two can make a potent combination; a lot of the new smithing designs you see in the Bazaar are her make. She makes a hobby out of studying crystals, so I want to see what she makes of this crystal and how it's blocking your magic."

"Bloooocking maaaaagicsssssss?" hissed a voice behind the three. "Sssssssoundsssss liiike annnn easssssssy meeeeeeallllll." Two magenta points burned in the darkness behind them, and even Atelen could make out the blacker shadow in the gloom.

"Coterie. Splendid. Look, bloodsucker, you really don't want our necks tonight."

"Ooooooohhh reeeeealllllllly? Whhyyyyyyy isssssssss thaaaat?"

A raging fireball threw the lane into sharp relief and the ring of steel being drawn drowned out even the sonic wolf in the background. Atelen hefted his staff and took a step forward. The vampire shrank back from the glowing blue light of Alermik's blade, a mishappen cloaked figure that now seemed more ungainly than menacing. "Because," answered Atelen quietly, "you really have bad luck with victims." The vampire screamed and sprung at Alermik, bloodlust overcoming its sense. Alermik reached out a glowing hand and tapped the vampire on the shoulder. With a howl the black shade evaporated and was blown away by a breeze.

Alermik dusted himself off and grinned. "Tag, you're it. Whatsay we go see if the undead in the churchyard want to play?"

"How about we wait until after?" groused Atelen. "C'mon, let's go." The three strode on to the end of the alley and were greeted by the sharp tap of steel on the cobblestones. A group of guards strode up, and the captain summed up the group in a glance. "Two wizards, that explains the light show. What's going on?"

"There was a Coterie hiding in the alleyway, Captain, that tried to attack us. A most unwise decision, I must say." Whizbang said, stepping forward. "We're on our way to the palace, to visit Mrs. Geerlok; you wouldn't happen to know if she is in, would you?"

"Damn those foul bloodsuckers! They slip in more and more these days. I apologize, but I need you to come to the guardhouse and give a report, if you would. Did you, uhm, leave a corpse?"

"No, sorry to say that we didn't. Our business is most pressing, otherwise I'd be glad to give a description. We really must be seeing Mrs. Geerlok." The guard started to protest, but Alermik held up a hand.

"Whiz, as much concern as I have for Atelen, I'm not really needed; why don't I go give the report, and I'll meet you in the main hall of the palace after you finish."

"Sounds like a plan. We'll see you there." The three sketched quick farewells.

"Oh, and Atelen, good luck man. Hope you hear some good news." Alermik gave smile and a thumbs up, and then turned to follow the captain while the two wizards headed towards the palace.

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