Well, in about 5 days my time in NY in this odd apartment I've called home ends, and I am on the road to live....elsewhere, which I hope to be a fresh start for me. Unfortunately, in that way that never fails to amaze me, my having the phone turned off next week resulted in it being turned off about three minutes after my last post of Wake, where Whiz was about to lay down the plan which Camille is to follow to 'Save the noobs...'. Of course, as the book begins to catch its stride, its legs are cut out from underneath it. For those that feel the book is at or past its halfway mark, understand that the latest revelations have only brought us at best one third through, for there is much more to come.
I have a way, for a few moments each night, to log in after 12 midnight NY time and post, at least until Friday evening. I won't have much time to read the boards. What I will do is as of tomorrow morning, as opposed to typing each chapter directly to the web, I will type it to a text file and save the days work, and after 12 if possible post the days work one after another, which may result in several chapters going up at once, so make sure you start reading where you finished...as of Saturday morning, I will have started travelling to finish up business on the East Coast, where from Saturday to anywhere from Monday-Friday I will be even less likely to be online at all, and able to write even less frequently. Then the actual move itself, which will be several days with no contact with anyone. After that is all done, hopefully I will be back online to a limited degree, and will continue at my normal clip. So those of you Stephen King would pen as my "Constant Readers", know that the story is not being terminated at all, but just put on hiatus as I....zone....=) I'll miss the communication with you during that time much more than I will miss the streets of New York. I never thought that would be the case, given my career and life has been so entrenched here. Farewell, for now. _________________