Over the past few weeks, Walkers has been in a period where we've lost several members who wanted to move on to other things. I'm not posting here to discuss this, that's not my intent, and if you reply to this announcement with any discussion about guild exodus, I'll delete it.
Because of the nature of Walkers, some of these people who have left the guild to pursue other things in EverQuest have asked for access to some of our non-EverQuest related material. I've probed the membership for thoughts on this and I've come to a decision:
-Walkers members who retire from the game completely will retain their access to the forum as if they were still a member. If at any time a retiree begins playing again and leaves the guild, private forum access will be removed.
-Walkers members who disband from Walkers and continue playing EverQuest will lose private forum access one week after their disband notice subject to the terms of their removal. This encompasses all private areas, including non-EverQuest discussion.
-Walkers who disband without notice are not eligible for the one-week grace period.
-Exception: Walkers members who disband from Walkers but are currently involved with World of Warcraft Beta can request access to our World of Warcraft forum. All requests are approved by Shiloch. Access to this forum is subject to change, most importantly after the end of beta.
The single most important factor in making the decision on these rules is the scope of this web site. The primary goal of this web site is to serve as a communication tool for Walkers on Vazaelle. We welcome non-members to chat with us in public forums. The non-EverQuest forums which up until this point have been private (and will remain so) are for Walkers members and/or Walkers retirees who play other games to communicate with their EverQuest guild mates. The only exception is World of Warcraft, where there are special circumstances.
Adding non-Walkers to non-EverQuest discussion is outside the scope of this web site. I'm only responsible for this web site's EverQuest commitment, and our web host (who provides us the space for free) is EverQuest-homogenous.
If you're interested in starting a web site for anything else and you want me to webmaster it, I'll gladly help you out. Drop me a line at rnj13@usa.net and I'll be happy to discuss it with you. |